Thanks to all who contributed to our Christmas Food drive this year. The Legion is also grateful for Cheryl VanIterson's organization in planning events, & collections.
Food donations filled the back of two vans and the monetary donation from the raffles were $1014.25 Our branch added an additional $1000, for a total donation of $2014.25. Great work for a worthy cause, The Athens Foodbank.
In the picture: Cheryl presented a cheque to Dave Bunt, Athens Food Bank Treasurer,
High 5 to this year's Winners! Thanks to all who participated.
Some of our Legion Executive recently dropped by Lombardy Public School to present a $500 check to Mrs. Halpenny's class. The students rose to the challenge, surpassing the target to raise funds to help the school purchase new outdoor equipment and activities.
“Leave the Streets Behind” is the Legion’s national homeless Veterans program that started out of Ontario Command. The program’s mission is to reach out to homeless Veterans and those at-risk of homelessness and provide them with immediate financial assistance and support. It also connects them with the social and community services to establish a long term solution to meet their needs.
This is a worthy cause that Toledo Legion has supported for many years, from collecting food door to door, Wing Night food collection and monetary donations. We also give generously to the "Mountain of Food" event at Christmas.
Smiths Falls Air Cadets are a familiar sight at our annual Remembrance Day Services. We are happy to support this organizations to continue the Air Cadet Program and Youth in our area.
Service dogs provide a vital role in assisting people with companionship, accessibility issues and mental health. Toledo Legion provides monetary donations to this organization.
During the year we host many community events for our rural population providing a local place to gather. Events like Kid's Christmas Party and Canada Day Appreciation BBQ are 2 events area residents enjoy. We also provide a place for Celebrations of Life for those we have lost in our community. Giving back for the support our community has given us in the past and continues to in the future.
Royal Canadian Legion Br# 475 - Toledo
320 County Road 8, Toledo, Ontario K0E 1Y0, Canada